Help making a banner

So I been revamping my channel even changed my name so now I need to make a new banner and all my attempts have been a fail so I'm coming to my yttalk family for alil help on any websites I can go to or even apps that can help me any advice will be grateful
Once you save the banner template from YouTube to your computer go to PicMonkey "Edit" and upload your banner template you've saved. Use overlays (represented by the butterfly symbol in the right panel) and block out the safe areas for text and images. Next go to the effects tab (represented by the wand and sparkles) and scroll down to the "draw" effect to erase the template background and start creating your own in the safe area with whatever colors, pictures and symbols you wants. My advice is to keep it simple and inviting to start. The more familiar you get with picmonkey the fancier you can get. Hope this helps!!!