HELP: Dark Banner?


Super Poster
Every time I upload a new banner, it looks much darker then the original image. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, has anyone fixed it? Example, my banner's background is white...but on my channel its a darker off-white. It's driving me nuts!
Try .png, making sure you have at least 72dpi, even though I prefer much higher, and make sure the hexcode you're using to make the white background is actually "white" (FFFFFF)
Maybe it;s because the program you used to edit the baner. I used PS cs5 and uploaded it as a .jpg. Had no problem :up:
yea but i use ps cs6 and it not working hmmm

Maybe it's because some color setings, copy this link, maybe you have some color setings, this will show you if something it's wrong with the setings and how to fix them