Help a stumped, new YouTuber out


The Boy Who Was Named After An Animal
I began YouTubing in the beginning of February and have accumulated 75 subscribers and a little over 2000 video views. My first two videos were a disaster, but I keep them up because I can't bare to see my views go down.. haha

I've noticed my latest video has gotten a lot of views, comments, and likes, and I've been really eager to release more content to increase my fanbase. I'm stuck on ideas, so if you have one, would you mind posting below?

Vlogs, tags, skits, comedic videos, rants, anything. Thanks.

PS. If it helps,
I've made four videos to date, but only one video (my latest) I am particularly happy with.
In order I've made:
The About Me Tag - 700 views - uploaded four weeks ago
Vlog: Superbowl and Homeless Pranks - 1200 views - uploaded four weeks ago
Updates: Thank You Video - 200 views - uploaded three weeks ago
Canadian Stereotypes - 600 views - uploaded three days ago
Try a little bit of everything. :)
Nobody can say what you'll enjoy doing the most, so explore your options. Surely there's plenty of inspiration out there. ;)
Try a little bit of everything. :)
Nobody can say what you'll enjoy doing the most, so explore your options. Surely there's plenty of inspiration out there. ;)

Good idea.

PS. Your Pokemon theme song brought out so many feels of nostalgia.
i'm kinda envious that you got 75 subs in about a month! that's pretty impressive! (it took me much longer than a month to get to 75), but yeah, I think for now, variety will go a long way! maybe later on, when you start seeing what really works, then you can focus around that!
75 from 4 videos? That's great. On my alternate channel I got 75 from 5 videos.
You're doing great.
I agree to try a bit of everything and find what you and your audience prefer, but once you find that genre, stick to it and keep improving. Good luck.