Hello it's Kushal can you guys give your opions on a sript of a review of game


Hello everyone it's Kushal I have written a script for a video game review please leave your comments questions and, thoughts

Ahoy everyone this is Kushal and, welcome to the first installment of Out of controller Review's
In this installment we'll be taking a first look at Battlefield 4.it's game realsied by Electronic Arts DIC. Alright let's start of with the Campagain the story is about Chaina and US going to war.Although this spicies things up bit instead of the usually tried and tested Russian VS America strotyline form other person shooters, when I was playing the story I never felt an emonal connection to the characters. But the story did mange to wow me with explosive set pices in the game. The graphics looked stunning on the new Xbox One, Playstation 4.If you ever had an opportunity to play on these new devices be sure pick up the game for the new generation of consoles,if your looking for stunning graphics.On the old generation of consoles the Xbox360,Playstaion 3 there have been freme drops loading issues and nemrous areas where the graphics seem subpar compared to the new consoles. Now for the multiplayer The Battlefield 4 online mode makes return with mix of new and, old. For example, there's obration ,Air suppriorty.But DICE also bought some of the oldies back like the all time favorite Conquest, Rush,Team Death Match. Now as for as the new maps go there are total of 10 maps, some of popular are siege of shanghai,pracel storm. Oh and did I mention the elevation effects on the maps look amazing one of favorite moments was when skyscraper came down on siege of shanghai.There are also all new weapons like AK12, Compact 45 hand gun,and more. class blacing has been done to prevent people from just using one class all the time. For example, you must charge the difulaters to completely heal your teammates.Dispist all the positives additions to the multiplayer component there have been issues holding back the online part game to shine.For example,lag maps being unplayable namely one patrulure map Opreation Dwan Breaker. EA DICE has been doing player appreciation week to reward the players who have countiuned play the game dispute the game's diffuclities.If your a Battlefiled veteran player then it's hard to pass up' but if your new to the franchise wait till the price drops a 7.5 out of 10 so play the game join the filed and command the Battlefield to towrads victiorty.Thank y'all very much for watching see y'all next week when I'll be covering Splinter Cell Blacklist!
Written by Kushal
Produced by Kushal
Narratord by Kushal
Being an English major, the first thing I'm going to tell you to do is proofread :)

However, the content. So... You have a review here. This is very straightforward, very meat and potatoes, very clean cut. It definitely follows a review formula just fine... but is that what you want? I'll be honest, I have not played this game. Your review didn't really sway me in any sort of direction. You give some fine, concrete examples on specific things from the game that you liked, and that's good. The problem with this review is that it doesn't do anything that people can't get from IGN or Gamespot, or whatever other sites review games. In fact, these reviews most likely cover the same ground with better video quality and in depth analysis (albeit bias) because they are professionals.

So, yes. This review script technically works. But it's not good enough to separate you from the pack. Since this is a review you're doing on your own, don't be afraid to make it more personal and even more specific. Make the review an extension of your experience. When you do this, you get a subjective and objective review. This is good, because people you agree with what you say and like your style as a gamer will latch on to you. So, yeah. Make this review more of your thing, add some spice, do what the big-wigs can't do.
Can you give me an example of how I could make it my wone ? Thanks brother ![DOUBLEPOST=1394500329,1394499697][/DOUBLEPOST]Did you think of my pun ? Please tell .