Hello can you help me again decide?


Super Poster
My Contract will be expire on October 2
Should i take the offer of Fullscreen 85/15 85% to me and 15% to the network so i will not leave on their network.

Should i join the maker gen? because my friend Mikey Bustos with 300k subs invite me and i will talk with the big boss.

Should i take the new network called Chicken Pork Adobo a YouTube Partner of ABS-CBN who is popluar network here on Philippines.

Should i work alone and stay with just adsense?

other networks that invite me also is Collective Digital Studio, Freedom! and AwesomenessTV

Thank you for all the people who will comment i really appreciate it.
well, i think you need to ask yourself a few questions first:
1 - are you happy enough with your current network?
2- what benefits will maker gen bring to you?
3- Will Chicken Pork Adobo benefit you more because of their geo location?
4- If you go solo just with adsense, how vulnerable will your channel become to copyright claims?

In the end make sure you have a no lockin contract, regardless of which network you choose.
1. AdSense
2. Why Leave FS and Join Maker if you come for split your earning again (your friend is big channel with 300k subs so he have good support)
3. CDS/Freedom!/AwesomenessTV come for split again (tang ina :D ), sad story my friend join AwesomenessTV not get paid :wailing: & can't unlink.

NOTE: before unlink from FS I hope you never use their Audio Library.