Having trouble with new Channel Art :/


File size limit of 2MB, this popup only showed in chrome for me.

So I spent awhile creating the new 2120 x 1192 Channel Art.
Its pretty simple and colorful, but all is not what it seems...

I'm having trouble 'Saving' it, and what I mean by this is, I can upload it to the Youtube gallery (new feature?). But when I click on 'Select' to set it as the Channel Art, it just closes the gallery and thats the end of it :(

I have tried using the default channel arts that youtube have, and they load up perfectly.
I cant see where I am going wrong!

Image Details:-
Dimensions: 2120x 1192
Bit depth: 32
Item type: PNG image
Size: 2.53 MB

If you can shine some light on this problem I would forever be grateful.
I had the same type of problem at first when i uploaded mine i think its a glitch maybe

I've just re-uploaded is it a .JPG, and it took it straight away.
But the quality of the image is so bad now.
I thought youtube was .PNG friendly to be honest :/