Have you ever..

Yeah lol, when I first started doing gaming videos I watched them and thought holy crap I'm so bad at this. Then I practiced a lot and started a new channel :p
I've watched my videos and thought they sucked, and it did irk me quite a bit, but I never actually went out of my way to edit them, because that wasn't (keyword: wasn't) my style. Now though, I'm gonna have to edit and reshoot when things turn out bad. I'm very lazy and procrastinate on everything. Even eating. Anyway, that's me. xD
Yep. I don't upload any videos that I don't like. I've recorded so many videos that have never been upload to my channel because I wasn't feeling it in the editing process.
It happens. Maybe because I'm newere I think I couldn't have done better on all my videos. What can I say. Sometimes you rework them and maybe sometimes you edit, put it up and move on.
Right now I have an unfinished video, and I watch it over and over again, and something just feels off. Trying to figure out what, but after a month and a half I still don't know :P.