Has Anyone Hired A Youtube Consultant/Coach?


Hey all,

So I have a youtube channel of almost 40k subscribers, I publish 2 videos a week, and it gets about $5k in sales a month. So it's not a big channel, but it's okay, and helps drive some extra income into the company. I think there's a lot of potential to grow the channel further.

I'd really like to get it growing at a greater pace - increase my exposure etc. Like everyone really. But I'm struggling to know what more can be done.

So My question as the title suggests is: has anyone worked with a consultant/coach before? Was it worth it? Did you get good results?

I am aware that there is a tonne of free information out there, and I believe I've consumed most of it, but I figure that I can fumble around for a while, or pay someone to identify the easy best next steps to take things to the next level (as I do with my clients). It's one thing to know the 200 things I could work on to try to improve results, it's another for an expert to look and go "ahh yeah, these 5 things are holding you back more than anything else, if you just fixed them in THIS way, you'll get a huge improvement".
I am aware that there is a tonne of free information out there, and I believe I've consumed most of it
Exactly. So keep on using all the fre info (here on Yttalk and Youtube etc) and save your money :) You are doing great so just keep on the good work dude
5k a month?
So you get about 3-5 million views a month with only 40,000 subscribers?

Doesn't sound like you need a consultant or a coach.
I wouldn't waste my money hiring one, there's nothing that they can tell you that you're not going to find on the net for free.
If my channel was making $5K a month and overall cash flow was good (did not need that $ to make rent), I might invest a grand or so to find ways to move the channel up a level. I would have to be convinced that the consultant or coach really knew their stuff, that they would spot an opportunity I was unaware of.