Has a Third Party Spambot ever put Fake Views on one of your Vids?


Well-Known Member
Last January 18, some spammer hit one of my videos with 200 fake views within a few hours. These views were closely spaced, had short view durations, and were not associated with proportional likes (or dislikes). There WERE comments on it, all crypto-currency discussion when the video was about webcams. I marked all the comments as SPAM, then the views leveled off. This spooked me, as I had just applied for monetization when this happened, and I was concerned that YouTube might think that I had purchased those fake views. Fortunately, this incident did not harm my channel. Has anyone else here experienced this?
wow, smart bots?, I get weird comments like "good job" "great content" etc... notice it on other channels as well, these seem to be designed more to fit any kind of video & don't mention specifics of video at hand
I just get bot comments all the time -- which sucks because I'm like WOAH A COMMENT, and then I go check and it's a bot. DISAPPOINTED EVERY TIME!
So funny you should ask this. I have never had this happen that I know of, but my last video got DIY 2300 views in 24 hours, and then stopped. My videos never get this kind of traffic in the first 24-hours. NEVER. At first, I was really excited, but then I looked closer and saw that most of the views were under 30 seconds and I only got one like and one comment. I was confused by these numbers because they were so inconsistent with the normal stats I get with a newly released DIY video. Most get less than 100 views in the first 24-hours and get about 10 likes and five comments.

When I saw your question, it suddenly dawned upon me that these 2300 views right have been generated by a bot. But why? Why would a bot do this to my video? It makes no sense. I certainly would never pay for this kind of thing and until I read your question did not even consider that this had occurred. Now I am very upset. Who did this to me! Why?!!!
...Why would a bot do this to my video? It makes no sense. I certainly would never pay for this kind of thing and until I read your question did not even consider that this had occurred. Now I am very upset. Who did this to me! Why?!!!
Did you have unusual comments on it as well? Mine was accompanied with SPAM comments promoting some crypto currency "expert"... I think the idea is to pump a video with views, SPAM it with comments, and hope that others see those comments on a "popular" video and take them seriously. Folks who do this probably have direct access to click farms, so it doesn't cost them anything to pump views. They aren't worried about ruining your audience retention stats, or having your video flagged for abuse, as they aren't doing it for you.
Did you have unusual comments on it as well? Mine was accompanied with SPAM comments promoting some crypto currency "expert"... I think the idea is to pump a video with views, SPAM it with comments, and hope that others see those comments on a "popular" video and take them seriously. Folks who do this probably have direct access to click farms, so it doesn't cost them anything to pump views. They aren't worried about ruining your audience retention stats, or having your video flagged for abuse, as they aren't doing it for you.

No illegitimate comments. Only one comment, but it was a legitimate comment asking me a question. That is what I don't get. Just 2300 views. Not even one like or a comment. What there be to gain from doing this? What if YT seeing this? Will I get a strike? If so, should I report it to them? If I report it, will they just remove the views, are will they take my video down? This is so frustrating. I work hard to produce good content and be an honest hard working guy, and then some bot comes along and tries to ruin my perfect reputation. ARGGGG!
I wouldn't worry about it, as it is an isolated case. Even if they determine the views are not legit, they will just remove them. There is nothing to worry about unless you are monetized.