Halloween Special-One Week Away

Sweet Tooth Outlaws

I Love YTtalk
The time has come, that my Halloween special is one week away! I'm so stoked that it's almost here! I've changed the menu line up for the event, can't give away to many secrets! This is my favorite time of year! Any one else doing anything special for halloween?
I want to, but I haven't figured out what to do yet.

Halloween is a fun time of the year, I worked at Party City last year, it was one of the craziest times to work, but I enjoyed setting up for it. I always have loved Halloween, I guess because the leaves change colors, etc. The whole atmosphere is awesome!
Going away to Mablethorpe for a birthday so will have to prerecord something but good luck for your Halloween Special :)
Halloween specials are fun.. We are trying to do one.. Unfortunately we involved more people than we should have and it is making things more complicated.. I hope it all comes together.