ProductionPeople1 I Love YTtalk Oct 18, 2014 #1 I need some questions for my Halloween Q&A so please ask some Halloween themed questions!
BatteryAcid That one crazy queer kid Oct 18, 2014 #2 Favourite scary movie? Best costume you've ever worn? The most scared you've ever felt?
SEMilfred Haybale Oct 18, 2014 #3 What are you afraid of? Do you believe in the supernatural? Are you dead?
Valky Posting Mad! Oct 18, 2014 #5 One Rainy day, city rain out of power *including your house*, it is pitch black on a Friday 13. What would you do or Bring? p/s: please do let me know once the video is up lol, I would love to hear what you would say =D
One Rainy day, city rain out of power *including your house*, it is pitch black on a Friday 13. What would you do or Bring? p/s: please do let me know once the video is up lol, I would love to hear what you would say =D
Zerodecoole I Love YTtalk Oct 18, 2014 #6 Would you rather be in a haunted house full of television screens with documentaries about wet cardboard or be at school?
Would you rather be in a haunted house full of television screens with documentaries about wet cardboard or be at school?
Andy J. Valer The Awko-Taco Oct 18, 2014 #7 What would you rather be a zombie, a werewolf, Frankenstein, a vampire, or a ghost? Why?
matthewd YTtalk Mad Oct 18, 2014 #8 What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you in real life? How did it effect you?
Kath True Wub :wub: Oct 18, 2014 #9 This goes in the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section. I've moved it there for you
This goes in the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section. I've moved it there for you
SlenderMan I'M WATCHING YOU Oct 18, 2014 #10 If you see me on a quiet long road, will you hug me? or you will run away ASAP?