Brilliant and funny, especially the, um, hat/sheet combo.
(Just one thing, I think your music is often a little bit too loud.)
We don't really celebrate Halloween in my parts of the world and it always made me sad yet happy that I don't have to stress over costumes. Now with your tips I know it would be so easy. So, basically I'm just sad now.
I can't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween. I'm usually working 3rd shift on Halloween so I'm asleep when I might get any trick-or-treaters. I'm off this year so I might have to dress up.
Third shift is my domain. I have become a creature of the night. I just got lucky to have Halloween fall on my night off this year. Yeah, I could dress up at work, but nothing scary as I'm in a cottage of preteen emotionally disturbed boys. Imagine one of them waking from a nightmare only to come to Mr. Al dressed as a headless hobbit with blood spurting from the neck. I'm quite sure I'd lose my job then. ;-)