Gaming Guild Wars 2 Colab?


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I am doing a Guild Wars 2 let's play and it can get kind of drab doing it myself. If anyone would be interested in doing one that would be great. Being on the same server is no longer an issue thanks to guesting so hit me up.
I'm playing Guild Wars 2 atm, took a break for a while after I got engineer maxed. Started a Warrior now after getting back into the game. Think the reason I left for a while was that it does get a bit dull after a while on your own. I'd like to explore areas with someone rather than on my own, I've no one to share my discoveries with haha. I would definately be up for a Colab, decent mic and access to a variety of VoIPs. If you're interested add me on Skype : strayedinct
Yes finally someone who plays guild wars 2. I'm not very experienced but am definately willing to do a lets play or some videos. Skype is Ktown97