*GUIDE* - Games YOU CAN Monetize!

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Account Closed Upon Request
Below are a list of games you can MONETIZE with permission linked! This list is from Yogscast, with most links on each to prove.

Source: http://forums.yogscast.com/showthre...panies-that-allow-monetization-on-Let-s-Play/

Company: Paradox Interactive
"We permit third-party use and monetization of things like "Let's Play" Videos under the
restriction that it is clear that Paradox Interactive is the copyright holder of any
material shown."
Source: See About Paradox Interactive: http://www.youtube.com/user/Paradoxplaza

Company: Mojang
"You may make money using your videos of our Game so, for instance by putting ads on them, as long as you also add your own unique content to the video, such as audio commentary. The amount you add must also be enough to make it fair and worthwhile for someone to pay for it or for you to make money from it. For example you couldn‘t just include your logo, web address or indent but you could add an audio commentary or your own music if you are creating a music video."
Source: https://account.mojang.com/terms

Company: Blizzard Entertainment
"The only exceptions to this rule are if you participate in partner programs with
YouTube, Justin.tv, Blip.tv, Own3d.tv, or Ustream.tv (the ?Production Websites?) whereby a Production Website may pay you for views of a Production if you are accepted into their partner program."
Source: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company...deopolicy.html

Company: Tripwire interactive
This applies to the following websites/services at this time (and ONLY these services):
Youtube Justin.tv Blip.tv Own3d.tv Ustream.tv
We are happy for anyone to use recorded video material from our games as long as the video is somehow related to the game(s) in question (e.g. review, preview, a Let’s Play, or some other similar type), is recorded at a decent resolution and credits the game. We are also happy for anyone to use music from the games in connection with videos related to our games. However music used outside of videos of our games is not allowed unless specific permission is requested.

Company: Riot Games
"You may run ads or other revenue streams that don’t interfere with a user’s access to the video, subject to the “No Licensing” guideline below. . . . Generally, you cannot license your videos to any third party for a fee or other value without our approval. However, there are important exceptions: Partner programs with YouTube or the following streaming websites: own3D.tv, Ustream.tv,Twitch.tv, Justin.tv, Blip.tv (no prior permission from us required)."
Source: http://www.riotgames.com/company/legal-jibber-jabber

Company: Subset Games
We, Subset Games, hereby declare that all YouTube users have our permission to run advertisements for the purpose of monetization on their videos of our game, FTL: Faster Than Light. - Justin Ma & Matthew Davis (founders)
Source: http://www.ftlgame.com/?p=388
Company: Bohemia Interactive
Source: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...rship-Program)

Game: Awesomenauts (by Ronimo)
"We've also been getting tons of requests for allowing Youtube monetization for Awesomenauts footage, and we'd hereby like to announce that we are ok with that. In fact we are super excited to see more footage of Awesomenauts! Bring it!"
Source: http://www.awesomenauts.com/old_01.html
Game: Towns (by SMP)
"Can i make videos of me or anyone else playing Towns, upload and spread the video on the internet and make profits from it? Sure, as long you put a link to our webpage in it!"
Source: http://www.townsgame.com/index.php?o...=192&Itemid=17

Game: Mount & Blade (by TaleWorlds Entertainment)
"We have decided to make an exception and allow users to take advantage of advertisement revenue based on Mount and Blade videos."
Source: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=226904.0

Game: Terraria (by Re-Logic)
You may have videos with 'Ads' and as a 'YouTube Partner' if you see fit. We do not require any re-imbursment for ad-revenue.
Source: http://www.terraria.org/faq.html

Game: Kerbal Space Program
Yes, by all means. If you are having many views and want to seize the opportunity, go
ahead. We just ask to be given credit, a mention and a link to our website is enough.
You must also make it perfectly clear that we are the copyright holders of KSP.
Source: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/

League of Legends, allow for monetization: http://www.riotgames.com/company/legal-jibber-jabber

"You may run ads or other revenue streams that don’t interfere with a user’s access to the video, subject to the “No Licensing” guideline below. . . . Generally, you cannot license your videos to any third party for a fee or other value without our approval. However, there are important exceptions: Partner programs with YouTube or the following streaming websites: own3D.tv, Ustream.tv,Twitch.tv, Justin.tv, Blip.tv (no prior permission from us required)."FTL: Faster than Light, have a completely open policy: http://www.ftlgame.com/?p=388
"We, Subset Games, hereby declare that all YouTube users have our permission to run advertisements for the purpose of monetization on their videos of our game, FTL: Faster Than Light. . . . This also applies to other video services besides YouTube, such as, but not limited to, Twitch.tv."

Chivalry -
Youtube Permission​
Hey there Youtubers and Youtuber Partners,​
We would love to have you put up videos of our game, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and are more than happy to have you doing this whether you are a youtube partner or not. So you have my explicit permission to put up videos of our game on youtube and are free to have ads running before them.​
Thanks and look forward to your videos,​
Steve Piggott,​
President, Torn Banner Studios​
Can I record videos of Gnomoria and put them on YouTube?
Am I allowed to monetize my YouTube videos of Gnomoria?
Yes. Video creators should be able to benefit from their own work.​
Since I can't edit my post....​
Project Zomboid
Beat Hazard
Can I monetize Beat Hazard footage on YouTube?​
Yes, sure. Under the condition that you let the viewer know what game it is and where they can buy it. (e.g. Link to the 'Buy' page on my website) - Thanks!​
Shadow Era (TCG)
Q. Can I create a fan site?​
A: Yes, you can create a site using copyrighted Shadow Era content, as long as it remains within the context of discussing and/or promoting Shadow Era. Please refer to the full fan site license here.​
Source: http://www.shadowera.com/faq.php (at bottom of page)​
Yes. We think Xenonauts is sufficiently developed that you can make videos of it on Youtube if you want – provided you mention it is an unfinished beta! We’re also fine with you monetising the videos if you’ve bought the alpha.​
Guild Wars 2
Short answer: unoffically allowed​
Long answer:​
Technically, it’s against the current Guild Wars 2 Content Terms of Use for people to make money through such things as monetizing a Guild Wars 2 video. However, we support people sharing their experiences with our game. (Heck, we <3 people doing that!) So while we want to do the right thing and accurately relay what the CToU says — because that’s often the question — we do not take action when fan sites support themselves via ads, and we don’t take action when the creators of fan videos place ads. In other words, we do not flag such videos. - Gaile Grey (Arena Net)​
Path of Exile (F2P Diablo-Like ARPG)
You have a green light! -_^​
Hope you enjoy the game! And don't forget that open beta comes out in less than 10 hours! So everyone of your fans can join for free when it's released! d(^_^)b​
Best regards,​
Frictional Games (This includes Amnesia, and the 3 Penumbra Games: Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem)
Is there anything on the website of Frictional Games that says if I'm allowed to monetize my youtube videos? I tried to find it but without succes.
What do you mean by monetize? Make let's plays? If yes, then of course.​
Putting advertisements on my Let's Play videos on youtube. So that is a yes?
Yes, you can do that.​
Gaslamp Games, Inc. (Dungeons of Dredmor)
I cannot seem to find any indication as to whether Gaslamp Games allows monetization of youtube videos that have Dungeons of Dredmor gameplay/commentary in them.
"We do"​
Robot Entertainment (Orcs Must Die! 1&2, Hero Academy)
You may upload review and walkthrough ("Let's Play") style videos of Robot Entertainment's games, and may monetize (place ads on/next to) the videos.​
wow... mostly companies I never really heard of with the possible exception of Blizzard... I'm more into fighting games, so sadly I don't seem to see Capcom, Namco or SNK Playmore on that list...
And everyone thinks they need to join a network to make let's plays when really a lot of companies allow you. This will sure clear up some confusion on the forms :)
wow... mostly companies I never really heard of with the possible exception of Blizzard... I'm more into fighting games, so sadly I don't seem to see Capcom, Namco or SNK Playmore on that list...
Attempt to contact Capcom support, maybe they can forward you to their copyright department.
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