Gta Online Playthrough series


I plan on starting a gta online series on monday which is just going to be me playing gta with my friends. IS that a good idea, or is it overused and tired out? I want my channel to be unique and all and i want to entertain people but i don't want to do something that everyone else is doing. Can someone please share their opinion?
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Achievement Hunter has a huge audience for GTA V, and GTA in general is a game that is popular for online videos (the GTA series has always been like this, glitches, secrets, etc). If you want to do this, do it. But understand that you're entering a very large pond.
If you and your friends can bring something different to the table then this could be a successful series. I would do some research into what other successful GTA V channels do and try stay away from copying/doing the same thing as them. Do funny made up games that aren't real mini games. Try and have a good laugh while creating these games as people don't want to listen to 3+ people just talking plain and boring to eachother, they will want to hear laughs and such, this will always make them want to join in which might get them to comment. Who knows you might even end up hosting a subscriber lobby if you're that entertaining :)
Thank you so much for the feedback. I will be using the advice. I want to gather a audience for no other reason than to entertain them rather than doing so to gain profit