Green Screen Background for Vlogging


Whoop Whoop
Hey guys, I was wondering how you go about choosing a green screen background for vlogging (I know I don't need one but I want one =^~^=). I see a lot of vloggers with pure white backgrounds, and I may choose to do this if all else fails, but I'm trying to be a little original ^.^ so, what makes a good green screen background when it come to vlogging, and how do I go about creating my own? :)
Thanks all.
Just stand next to a completely green or blue background it's a lot simpler then you think
i have a program that can chroma key, was just asking if you meant not to do it XD but ima check out that program too :p
The most important thing for a succesful chroma key shot is lighting. The background can be any solid color, green and blue are usually preffered because they are the least likely colors on the talent. (Examples, don't wear green clothes if your background is greem).

Having the background well and evenly lit is the most important factor. Lit the talent separate from the background if possible and leave a reasonable space between the two (too close and the person's shadows may get into the background for example).

Do a search on youtube and you'll find many good tutorials on this.
Also ensure you do not cast any shadows on the wall. If you want an actual green screen with good loghts, you need a muslin cotton screen and some soft box lights, umbrella lightz wont hurt
You guys don't seem to understand, I didn't ask HOW to green screen, I asked what kind of background I should put behind me BECAUSE of the green screen, what should replace the green screen. Thats what im asking
To be honest I wouldn't even use a green screen at all. I LOVE when vloggers vlog in a natural setting like their living room, or kitchen. This works particularly well when you have a nice depth of field to blur all that out however. I like using pure white, other than my bedroom.