Services Graphical And Motion Design Services


Moving Pictures Guy
Hi Guys,
Seeing as everyone else is making new threads, I think it's about time I do mine again.
Here is my Website, Showing my Portfolio and Prices:

Add me on Skype: chriscraft92

To clarify: I do not work for free, Subboxes and other things do not appeal to me

Thank You,
:crying: Just checked out some of your work. I was like: "OMG! I want one!" Then I looked at the prices and realized why I need a part-time job. Reasonable priced, but just not in my price range at the moment. As soon as I have the cash, you are the man. Good luck!
:crying: Just checked out some of your work. I was like: "OMG! I want one!" Then I looked at the prices and realized why I need a part-time job. Reasonable priced, but just not in my price range at the moment. As soon as I have the cash, you are the man. Good luck!
Thanks man, I would price them cheaper, Its just the time to price ration, I can spend 6 hours on a good intro. Thanks though :D