Services Graphic Work from a Graphic Student

I would love to help some people out with there graphics, I'm still learning but I love doing it and the more I do graphics the better! I can do
  • Layouts
  • Avatars
  • Thumbnails
  • Twitch TV layouts
The only thing I ask is if you want a graphic your patient and polite. Last time I offered free graphics people were rude and they didn't let me work on my channel so...I'm a little scared to be offering them again. But I wanna help out as much as I can! Just contact me if you need anything :)

I have the right to refuse service so be polite!
I would love to help some people out with there graphics, I'm still learning but I love doing it and the more I do graphics the better! I can do
  • Layouts
  • Avatars
  • Thumbnails
  • Twitch TV layouts
The only thing I ask is if you want a graphic your patient and polite. Last time I offered free graphics people were rude and they didn't let me work on my channel so...I'm a little scared to be offering them again. But I wanna help out as much as I can! Just contact me if you need anything :)

Hello ! This is so nice of you. :)
'love it when the community helps each other out. I'd actually love your help if you have some time, I'll contact you later on. :smug:
Could I get an avatar that ties into gaming (League of Legends, Torchlight, etc..)? I suck at avatars and will have to build my patience for them back up soon. Thanks in advance.
Hey welcome to the forums! I had the exact same thing when I offered to do intro's backgrounds etc.
I also did them for free.

I would suggest you don't offer to do them but when you see people who could need a hand you offer your assistance. Most of the time they appreciate it much more than people who look for graphics designers themselves.