Gaming Grand Theft Auto 5 Xbox 360/PS3 Collabs?


Active Member
Looking for some people to play and record GTA V shenanigans! I can record on both PS3 and Xbox 360!
20+ subs
Male or Female (I don't mind)
Polite/Common courtesy
Sense Of Humor.

I'm Australian if it makes any difference and I'm also a 16 y/o male. If you want more info check out my channel to see if you would like to collab with me! :):biggrin:

Add my gamertag or psn name (mainly use xbox) if you want to chat with me!
GT (Xbox): BluePantss
PSN (Playstation): BluePantsss

Thanks Heaps!:biggrin::lurking2:
I'm do not have a gaming channel but if you need people on your private server I'm your man. I like to do crazy sh*t on GTA 5. I'll add you when I go home in 2 weeks. I have a YouTube channel just not gaming.
I'm do not have a gaming channel but if you need people on your private server I'm your man. I like to do crazy sh*t on GTA 5. I'll add you when I go home in 2 weeks. I have a YouTube channel just not gaming.

Sure mate, your channel does say "gaming' in the banner though? So would you ever upload gaming content?