Got clickbombed! New channel

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
Hi guys. I've been trying to keep everyone updated on whats going on with me the last few days. My channel got click bombed and my Adsense was disabled. So, I have created a new channel. If you have already subscribed to me, please do so again. Or, if you haven't, heres a good time to start.
Google won't tell me anything. I figure I'm not going to wait around either. I'm going to aim for a partership with Network rather than adsense, so no ads will appear on my channel at all.
it is a bit unfair if you were clickbombed under a different ip, instead google should pay up. Anyway I hope things work out for you soon
What exactly is getting clickbombed? :) Oh the ignorance lol
its when someone repeatedly clicks on your ads which will result in you losing your adsense account. I wouldn't recommend anyone having ads on there videos until they get partnered at least to avoid losing it.