Good Video Editor ?


Yttalk Pokemon Expert
Im looking for a free legit video editor like Camtasia or Sony Vegas Pro Studios

Does anyone know about any free once :-/ ?
I don't really know that many good video editors that're free. All I can think of are Windows Movie Maker and Windows Live Movie Maker. Maybe Google can help you out with that. Or Youtube. I usually find some great stuff on Youtube with vids like "BEST VIDEO EDITOR EVER!!! 100% FREE!!!" But of course, there's always the option to illegally get those nice editing software for free...
Unfortunately you'll have to dish out a fair bit to get good video editing software. You get what you pay for really. I've always hated Windows Movie Maker but that's the only one I can really think of.
as said before, I can only think of Windows Movie Maker. Unfortunately, you either have to invest or deal with what's given. :/