Good games for solo Let's Playing?

Hmmm for single player let`s play I would say Red Dead Redemption, Arkham City, any sonic game just a few suggestions off the top of my head. Hope that helped :)
There's so many games to choose from..... That you can solo play almost all of the available games out there.
I should probably mention that they need to be low-end. My PC can run Battlefield 3 at 25FPS on LOWEST settings, and that's without FRAPs running xD

I mean for one-off episodes. Small games. Little-known about indie titles.
And campaign really. I personally think games like the Arkham Series, GTA V campaign, last of us. Any game that doesn't really focus on multiplayer. Even Any assassins creed. Specially if tou want to cover bugs and glitches in Unity xD
I appreciate all your suggestions, but as I keep saying, they need to be SHORT and NOT GRAPHICS INTENSIVE, i.e. indie games. Please. -_-