Glitchy Games?


Active Member
Hello, everybody!

I've got this idea for a gaming series where i play a glitchy/buggy game once or twice every week.
Problem is, i don't know a whole lot of glitchy/buggy games so that's why i want to ask the gamers here on YTTalk if you've ever played a glitchy/buggy game that made you laugh.

Just as an example of what kind of glitches/bugs i'm looking for, check out PewDiePie's latest Skate 3 video and you'll know what i mean x)

Also, i'm on PC so no games that are only on consoles.
And if there's any glitchy/buggy multiplayer games i'd be more than happy to collab aswell!

If you don't know any glitchy games, games that are full releases but feel like alpha(if that makes sense) are acceptable to. *cough* Takedown: Red Sabre *cough*
fallout 3 when i played it back then it can be really glitchy at times i remeber those days back then when deathclaws could fly
fallout nv sometimes radscorpions glitch threw the ground and just stretch then disapear or fight you whule there under ground
Yea, I'm not watching pewdiepie... look at gamejolt as its indie games and there are a hella lot of glitches.