YTTalk Shape Shifter
When you see a thread from someone who is asking for video ideas, do you honestly fee thel like you should give them? or do you think they should be able to think for them self? 
Personally I feel that if someone asks they shouldn't expect some genius ideas, I mean, YOU have your ideas for YOU to do them, right?
You're not exactly going to give good ideas away you are capable of making a great video about. Maybe that's a little exaggerated, I guess we can share ideas, but I don't think someone would hand over something brilliant unless it's not 'their thing' if you get what I mean 
On the other hand, that person decided to start making videos so they should be prepared to think up ideas, that's what making videos is about, right? (unless it's a vlog and improv) Not sure if it's just me...but really though
maybe that's just me seeing this in an odd way, yeah?

Personally I feel that if someone asks they shouldn't expect some genius ideas, I mean, YOU have your ideas for YOU to do them, right?

On the other hand, that person decided to start making videos so they should be prepared to think up ideas, that's what making videos is about, right? (unless it's a vlog and improv) Not sure if it's just me...but really though
maybe that's just me seeing this in an odd way, yeah?