Getting people to ask you questions


Youtuber, Improviser, Dinosaur, and Student
I'm trying to do a Q&A for my next video, but I'm struggling to get questions from people.

I wanted people to ask me questions on twitter using the hashtag #AskAlvan.

Does anyone have any ideas to get more questions?
Unless you have a large fan base, I'd say stick with asking people for questions without the hashtag and ask them on every social media site that you're on, including this one!

(Shameless self-plug that's semi related)
I actually got the first 3 questions to my new series, The Talooka Talk Box, on YTTalk. You can get your own question on the show by checking out the link in my description, and check out the first episode of the talk box on my channel :cool:
You can always start by asking for people to ask you questions here :) For you to get a # something you will need to have a lot of following first :)
Why Are You On Youtube?
What Inspires You?
What Is Your Favourite Food?
Do You Have a Pet?
How Old Are You?
If You Were a Ninja-Warrior, Would You Be Good or Evil?

Those Are My Questions For You :)