Getting Better


New Member
Seems like things are getting better... quality wise ... on you tube,
the vids I download seem a lot better.... guess its down to pixel or something........ and prob mpeg4 ?
Even HD now seems available sometimes ....!

The time limit of 15 mins seems to be relaxing too, I recently uploaded a 36 min vid and it is up there on you tube !
Looks like this longer vid privilege is awarded for good behaviour
or length of time of your account or something.....

but on the whole........ you tube is getting better and better !
Yeah, my 15 minute limit was relaxed a long time ago. Google is probably opening up a lot more space for people and therefore opening it up for people who appear to be taking advantage of their channels. They're doing this in part as a way to make more money (if I were cynical) but also to encourage people to use their channel and use the site and involve themselves.