Review my channel.. sending cash now
Righto then Krowwzz, here's your review:
Couple of things that you gotta have on your channel to make it look more like a pro

The fact that you do not have a background. You need to make sure that you're background is completely relevant to your channel. I would recommend that you're channel was gaming based (obviously) and included specific pictures – some of Black Ops, some of Battlefield, and some of minecraft (like a creeper or something). These are all relevant to the type of games that you do on your channel and so I think would look really great around the edge of the videos. Something else that you need to include is your name within the channel background – make sure that it says something on the lines of Krowwzz: The Undiscover Gamer (because that is your tagline). It would also be good to note that you should probably have something that says: Rate | Comment | Subscribe; and also you should probably have something that says your twitter and facebook pages (if you have them).
Another point which is noticeable as a subscriber is the fact that all subscribers are set to head to the 'Feed Tab' when they get to your youtube channel. Something that you need to change, is that they head to the Featured tab, and also to have your video on 'autoplay'; this way anyone who goes to your channel will head straight to the channel and a video will autoplay (helping to get you even more views). How to enable the featured tab on your youtube channel and also to select it so that all subscribers head to the featured tab (as shown in the image below):

(Look on the right hand side of the image) As you can see, you need to make sure that the default tab is set to 'Featured' and that you uncheck the box that says 'Always send subscribed users to the Feed Tab'; this way, it'll be far easier for people to navigate you channel and watch videdos.
However, I really like the layout of you channel; I like the fact that you have your most recent videos set below the featured/newest video; and also the fact that you have commendations at the side for people that you like to watch.
Channel Review Done!!