Get traffic with

Randy McKown

YTtalk Mad
The website can help bring you a lot of traffic and it's very easy to use as a promotional tool. Go to the website and create your own topic that you will curate yourself. There's a link you can add to your browser toolbar. Every time you post a new video head to the public video page and then to the topic you curate .. don't forget to add plenty of tags in the Advanced Options.

Now search for topics related to you that are curated by other people on the website. From your public video page .. again .. However, this time rather than selecting your own topic .. choose the first one you follow. This will suggest your video to them .. if they like it they will make it public to their followers. Keep scooping your video, moving down the list, suggesting it to everyone you follow who covers this type of content.

There are other sites like this .. such as ... however is probably the largest and most active, producing the best results. If you're thinking of putting time into both .. I would suggest sticking to the one and just doubling your efforts instead.
it's just like pinning on pinterest .. you'll add the bookmarklet to your browser .. then just head to your video on youtube and
personally, I scoop the video on my official blog .. because I still get the view plus I get traffic to my blog where my monetization is even greater.