Gateway videos


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After reading the thread "The small stay small, and the big get bigger" and looking into most of it, I see that I really need to focus on gateway videos. However, I don't know much about gateway videos, like how to make them, what to make them of, what to do with them, length, etc.
I'm going to make a channel trailer sooner or later, though I'm waiting a bit with that, and believe that's some sort of gateway video.
I mostly do gameplay commentary, which is where the problem arises. I can fairly easily do some for Minecraft, seeing as its a sandbox game, but games like Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Okami, Pokémon, I have NO idea how to do this kind of gateway video, or if its even necessary to get people to give my longer videos a chance.

A gateway video is nothing more than a video that get more exposure than you ordinary videos. And to be honest, don't stride to make them, but instead, do some other kinds of videos once in a while and really make them special. I found out recently, that if I did some Guild Wars 2 Community Videos, then I get a lot more views on those, than my regular videos. That is what I am going to use as a gateway.

Try stuff out, look at what works, what doesn't. The things that work, try to build upon that and make similar stuff that can give you your personal gateway video.
Like Marcus said, it's nothing revolutionary, it's just a video that is more likely to go viral, get shared, be searched on in the search engines etc. It's just a normal video with video and audio. It needs to have a bit of a "wow" factor.
A gateway video is nothing more than a video that get more exposure than you ordinary videos. And to be honest, don't stride to make them, but instead, do some other kinds of videos once in a while and really make them special. I found out recently, that if I did some Guild Wars 2 Community Videos, then I get a lot more views on those, than my regular videos. That is what I am going to use as a gateway.

Try stuff out, look at what works, what doesn't. The things that work, try to build upon that and make similar stuff that can give you your personal gateway video.
I see what you mean. It is not however, the kind of videos I was referring to. I understand how having a single viral video works as a gateway, but I was thinking of the shorter videos that the audience easily can watch all of without getting bored. The kind where they get served a great portion of me in not a long amount of time, which would also serve as a gateway seeing as if they like one or more shorter videos, they're likely to give my longer ones a try. Most people get scared it seems by longer videos when they aren't very familiar with the youtuber.
Pretty much any Vita game works for this if you do gaming videos :p I've found that playing Vita games always gives me more views than usual.