Gaming Video Monetization

Jawad Soomro

I'm a Human!
I dropped the email to the Warner bros to check if they allow Monetization of their games like MORTAL KOMBAT 9 and Mortal Kombat X. They said that they had no objection for uploading their content to the YouTube as long as it is uploaded for free (no cost for fans). However, they said we can't monetize.
Now my question is, since there will be NO copyrights on these games, YouTube can allow me to monetize?
Is anybody here monetizing games without copyrights?
I dropped the email to the Warner bros to check if they allow Monetization of their games like MORTAL KOMBAT 9 and Mortal Kombat X. They said that they had no objection for uploading their content to the YouTube as long as it is uploaded for free (no cost for fans). However, they said we can't monetize.
Now my question is, since there will be NO copyrights on these games, YouTube can allow me to monetize?
Is anybody here monetizing games without copyrights?
Here is someone who obviously does not understand Copyright. Any game published by someone like Warner Bros will be copyrighted by default as it is an asset of a major media company. This is like saying Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck or Taz the Tasmanian Devil are not under copyright; this the same company which created those characters! And therefore, if they say non-commercial use only, the YouTuber they say it to had better listen and follow instructions unless they have several hundred thousand to several millions to spend on Intellectual Property Lawsuits which they are going to lose anyway.
The answer is in your post.
What I mean was, how will they find if we are monetizing it, because they did not catch a copyright. :)
Here is someone who obviously does not understand Copyright. Any game published by someone like Warner Bros will be copyrighted by default as it is an asset of a major media company. This is like saying Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck or Taz the Tasmanian Devil are not under copyright; this the same company which created those characters! And therefore, if they say non-commercial use only, the YouTuber they say it to had better listen and follow instructions unless they have several hundred thousand to several millions to spend on Intellectual Property Lawsuits which they are going to lose anyway.
So that means if I monetize their video, they will take it down without giving me notice of copyright? (I suppose YES!) Thank you anyway :)
What I mean was, how will they find if we are monetizing it, because they did not catch a copyright. :)

So that means if I monetize their video, they will take it down without giving me notice of copyright? (I suppose YES!) Thank you anyway :)

Sigh...if you think they don't have a footprint for these games in the Content ID database, you are wrong. Look up Content ID in YouTube Help. Yes you will get a notice; and if you have monetized it against their wishes, you may well get a strike against your channel rather than just a notice of Matched Third Party content.

I wish people would stop trying to buck the law; you can in some countries, end up in jail for copyright violation, depending on the circumstance.
What I mean was, how will they find if we are monetizing it, because they did not catch a copyright. :)
Oh, I see.

Using one of my montages as an example with a song from Monstercat (no copyright claims):
I can use their song freely, no copyright strikes, but, I cannot monetize it because I haven't bought a license from them. So, if I try to monetize it, they ContentID claim it (I think that's what it's called) and put their own ads on it, so they get monetization money.

Better explanation:
YouTube has ContentID to allow developers, publishers, producers, etc. to claim any content of theirs that is uploaded to YouTube (using the above example, it allows Monstercat to claim their artist's songs if it is uploaded elsewhere, aside from the artist's YouTube and Monstercat's YouTube). Once the content is matched, the claimer (Monstercat in this example) has the choice to either claim the video and strike it, forcing it down, OR, they can just claim it and put their own advertisements on it. Or, they could just leave it be and let you get monetization money.

So what Warner is doing is allowing the video to stay up, but they either don't want advertisements on it at all, or they're going to put their own advertisements on it.

Hope I didn't confuse you.
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What I mean was, how will they find if we are monetizing it, because they did not catch a copyright. :)
Echoing what people above said, the WB message said you could upload it without monetizing it. If you try to monetize it, YT will more than likely automatically detect it
I dropped the email to the Warner bros to check if they allow Monetization of their games like MORTAL KOMBAT 9 and Mortal Kombat X. They said that they had no objection for uploading their content to the YouTube as long as it is uploaded for free (no cost for fans). However, they said we can't monetize.
Now my question is, since there will be NO copyrights on these games, YouTube can allow me to monetize?
Is anybody here monetizing games without copyrights?
I see many Gaming Channel Uploaded MK (Gameplay & Cutscene) and they are monetized it (with Multi-Channel Network).
I see many Gaming Channel Uploaded MK (Gameplay & Cutscene) and they are monetized it (with Multi-Channel Network).
Yeah that information is triggering my mind, if WB just don't really bother others monetizing. But anyways I won't be monetizing MK games :)