I would love to be your partner! I tried looking you up on Skype, but I get a ton of results.
Hope that was you!
I also wouldn't mind working on a gaming collab, what games do you have in mind?
By PC do you mean computer? Or specifically Windows? I do computer gaming on my mac, you can add me on Skype- TechTac77Hello you sexy beast do you play pc games?
if you do we would be a great combo! basically i need help being funny. we could record any pc games and talk over it or do live com.
Skype: im.zerin
post your skype or message it to me im.zerin brings up alot of results
By PC do you mean computer? Or specifically Windows? I do computer gaming on my mac, you can add me on Skype- TechTac77
pc windows 7 mac os ubuntu does it really matter? just some games wont work on mac
Well if you wanna play any game that works with both, you know who to call