gaming ideas!

I game on my channel and i need ideas i do seananners style so it has to be MULTIPLAYER so me and my friends can all play if u need info on what games that i already played go to my channel :]
I would recommend S.W.A.T 4,it's an old game but is so fun in co-op.Also Splinter Cell,Heroes And Generals and some WW2 RTS (Company Of Heroes,Men Of War ecc.)
Ummm you shuld try TF2 that game is a lot of fun, Cod/battlefield if thats your thing, fifa can be a bit of craic at times! but I dunno if your pc or xbox lol but Gears is really good, the new Lara Croft game looks amazing in multiplayer!
the new Lara Croft game looks amazing in multiplayer!

Looks yes, plays though is a different matter. They made an amazing singleplayer but let the multi down. They tried to make it Uncharted style but just didn't think it through. Its super hard to find a game online and the online section of the game itself just isn't that fun :(