Gaming Gaming Group (make it what you want it to be)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

My name is SeamsRock! Nice to meet you!

Basically what I'm trying to do here is just create a group of people to just hang out and play games together. Nothing ridiculous.

Age: Must be 17 and older (not that I don't like people that are younger, it's just more likely that we'll have stuff in common)
Communication: Must have at least a decent mic (I can understand you and there isn't excessive background noise), a skype account (my account is SeamsRock), and should also download Mumble (I plan on using positional audio in some games)
Recording: Isn't necessary, so whatever you have will be fine if you choose to post it to your own channel
Games: I'm thinking every one should at least have Minecraft, as I'd had some group ideas for the game. Any other games you have aren't necessary, but it's nice to have as many games available as possible. Must also have a Steam account
Schedule: Again, no specific schedule, but I do want some larger group recordings, so perhaps if we could find a day a week or a day every 2 weeks that most or all of us are available, that'd be great
Subscribers: No subscriber requirements. In fact, you don't even need a YouTube channel. But if you feel posting your subscriber number will help, then go for it.

Now, the basic idea is to have a group of friends that just get together and play whenever they're available. Each person can record the gameplay if they wish, but you don't have to if you don't want to. In all honesty, it doesn't matter if any of us end up recording, as I find it nicer to just at least have a group of friends that can get together and play and have fun.

So with that in mind, I'm not sure what my goal for this group is. As I'm already part of a group on youtube with no plans to leave (it's just a small group that's just starting out, nothing crazy, and I haven't contributed to it as much as I'd like to have done at this point) this won't necessarily be like a youtube group where we all have our own channels and we set up schedules for everyone to operate on and there may or may not be a group channel for us all to post on. This all MAY happen, but it's not set up like that as of now. It'll basically come down to what the group decides once we figure out who's going to be a part of it.

Some ideas I had for the channel were some group get-togethers where all or most of us jump in some big multiplayer game and just have at it (for example, maybe a minecraft thing where we're all working towards some common goal, and maybe we split into groups to accomplish more things, or maybe we hop on Battlefield 3 and just have fun there. It doesn't really matter and it'll just be what we want to do at the time). As I said, specifics will be decided later.

What I'm looking for is a small group (max of around 10-20 people) to become the foundation of what may hopefully become a large group of people just having fun together (similar to a clan I guess, and perhaps we'll all have clantags and stuff, but it doesn't really matter). These people will help me start the group and hopefully recruit a large enough following on steam and such. I'll be making a steam group for us once we've decided on a name for ourselves and we'll publish group events there and everything (if you want a basic idea of what the group may be like, think YouTube's "abadfeeling" channel, there are a few key members, but anyone is welcome to join and almost anyone can be a part of their videos).

Again, specifics will be discussed later on once the group members are decided.

If you're interested, post your age, skype, steam, and whatever else you feel I should know below, or contact me via PM, skype invite (must tell me you're from this thread), or a youtube PM (my account is SeamsRock)

As of right now, we have 2 confirmed members, and 3 potential
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I am really interested in this collaboration and i would like to partake in this operation, skype name tito.o9 steam: tito09ford and im 22 years old