Gaming: flawless gameplay or mini montages?


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So when i make videos where i talk about stuff, i usually just have a flawless gameplay as the video with me talking over that, with a little bit of game volume. Many gaming youtubers do this, and there really is not much special as the next guy can get a flawless gameplay the same as me. I have an idea to shake this up, and possibly make my videos stick out a tad more then the others.
What if instead of flawless gameplay, i create mini-montages? I am a very good montage maker, and can easily make something awesome for a commentary video. What do you guys think? Would it be entertaining to watch even though i would be talking over it? That is my only issue, as i feel it would take away from the feel of the montage, as well as the music would have to be quiet.
Thanks for the feedback!
P.S i would totally post a video to show my uber 1337 montage skills, however i do not want to break any of the posting rules...
I like the idea, and it's been my model for most of my videos. I don't post on Cod anymore, so no more flawless game plays, but with the game I post on now, I do edit each video into a mini montage and add commentary to it afterwards. The only exception being a lets play series where I didn't edit and did the commentary as I played. I'm actually editing all the highlights of that into a montage for the final episode to sum the series up as we speak.

My goal with it is usually to teach an aspect of the game but keep it fast paced and entertaining enough not to lose viewers during slow parts that can easily be edited out. The more effort I have put into videos with editing, the better the responses have been to them, so definitely give it a shot and best of luck!
I like the idea, and it's been my model for most of my videos. I don't post on Cod anymore, so no more flawless game plays, but with the game I post on now, I do edit each video into a mini montage and add commentary to it afterwards. The only exception being a lets play series where I didn't edit and did the commentary as I played. I'm actually editing all the highlights of that into a montage for the final episode to sum the series up as we speak.

My goal with it is usually to teach an aspect of the game but keep it fast paced and entertaining enough not to lose viewers during slow parts that can easily be edited out. The more effort I have put into videos with editing, the better the responses have been to them, so definitely give it a shot and best of luck!
Thats kinda what i will be doing, keeping it fast-paced to keep it interesting, but i would also be adding a lot of effects as well.
Sounds like something that could work. It would be hard to say anything with confidence about the idea until seeing it executed. Bottom line though it's always better to try an idea and see it in action than to just think of one and wonder "what if?" Go for it and see what happens! :) best of luck!
Sounds like something that could work. It would be hard to say anything with confidence about the idea until seeing it executed. Bottom line though it's always better to try an idea and see it in action than to just think of one and wonder "what if?" Go for it and see what happens! :) best of luck!
Well, i did try it, but the montage part ended up being really good, so i ended up just making it a separate video lol. The video would have been way to busy, with commentary, music, and montage with effects. So i separated them lol. Glad i did, as the montage is very immersive and has been getting good feedback :)