Other Gaming channel with almost 7000 subs looking to collab!

Hi everyone,

Our channel is called Sterile Studios, we introduced ourselves in an introduction thread but in case anyone missed it we're Matt and Steve. We've been around for under a year and we do gaming commentary, game development and multiple web-series.

We've been YouTube partners since we were at 700 subs, we're now just under 7000 with over 1.5 million views and wanting to grow further. We're looking for channels with similar sub/view counts to us in order to create mutually beneficial collab videos.

Our style ranges from self-deprecating to attempts at wit, all the way up to ridiculous humour, we're hoping to find people with similar senses of humour, or anyone who thinks they will work well with our style.

We don't mind if you are a solo commentator or another duo, as long as it is gaming and comedy related.

Skype is probably a necessity, but in any case check out our channel, let us know what you think and if you may be interested in collaborating let us know so we can check out your stuff!

Matt & Steve
Hey, I would love to collab, my laptop is very slow when I record so I don't do gaming videos
but I want to when I get a better computer
I also hope that this could get me more subs and views, It sounds like the humour your going for is my kind of humour
Let me know if I can join :)
I would LOVE to do a collab. I've got a fast computer, and I have a ton of emulators and Skype. Please reply if you'd like to do a collab with me :) My Skype is: XardicPenguin[DOUBLEPOST=1344613926,1344613911][/DOUBLEPOST]I would LOVE to do a collab. I've got a fast computer, and I have a ton of emulators and Skype. Please reply if you'd like to do a collab with me :) My Skype is: XardicPenguin
Hey, I would love to collab, my laptop is very slow when I record so I don't do gaming videos
but I want to when I get a better computer
I also hope that this could get me more subs and views, It sounds like the humour your going for is my kind of humour
Let me know if I can join :)
We're currently looking for channels with a similar sub/view count so there is mutual benefit and we currently work almost exclusively in gaming, so not sure if it'd suit us at this time, thanks for the interest and quick response though!
We're currently looking for channels with a similar sub/view count so there is mutual benefit and we currently work almost exclusively in gaming, so not sure if it'd suit us at this time, thanks for the interest and quick response though!
How eligible am I? I have 150 subscribers, but I post content daily.
I would LOVE to do a collab. I've got a fast computer, and I have a ton of emulators and Skype. Please reply if you'd like to do a collab with me :) My Skype is: XardicPenguin[DOUBLEPOST=1344613926,1344613911][/DOUBLEPOST]I would LOVE to do a collab. I've got a fast computer, and I have a ton of emulators and Skype. Please reply if you'd like to do a collab with me :) My Skype is: XardicPenguin
Just checked out one of your videos and it seems like you've got a good setup, good video and audio quality, unfortunately like we said in the original post and our reply to thechalkboy we're currently looking to collaborate with a channel or channels within a similar subscriber count/view range to us so both channels benefit equally, not trying to be rude and we wish you all the best with your videos!
Just checked out one of your videos and it seems like you've got a good setup, good video and audio quality, unfortunately like we said in the original post and our reply to thechalkboy we're currently looking to collaborate with a channel or channels within a similar subscriber count/view range to us so both channels benefit equally, not trying to be rude and we wish you all the best with your videos!
Well this place IS mainly for newer people. But good luck with that! I am always up for a collab, so if it doesn't work out, look me up.
Should probably clarify again in a separate post to let people know, we're looking for channels with above 5000 subscribers, that can vary to an extent and we're not trying to be rude, just clear so we're not being misleading.[DOUBLEPOST=1344614518,1344614453][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well this place IS mainly for newer people. But good luck with that! I am always up for a collab, so if it doesn't work out, look me up.
Thanks, we're new to the forum, just searching around to find new opportunities, so if we change our mind we'll definitely let you know!
Should probably clarify again in a separate post to let people know, we're looking for channels with above 5000 subscribers, that can vary to an extent and we're not trying to be rude, just clear so we're not being misleading.[DOUBLEPOST=1344614518,1344614453][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks, we're new to the forum, just searching around to find new opportunities, so if we change our mind we'll definitely let you know!
Thanks a whole lot! :)
Should probably clarify again in a separate post to let people know, we're looking for channels with above 5000 subscribers, that can vary to an extent and we're not trying to be rude, just clear so we're not being misleading.[DOUBLEPOST=1344614518,1344614453][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks, we're new to the forum, just searching around to find new opportunities, so if we change our mind we'll definitely let you know!
ahhhhhhhhw...... I have way under that many subsribers.... oh well