Gaming Channel Trailer Help

koalafied gamers

Loving YTtalk
Not being very good using programs like after effects, it limits me to what i can make for a channel trailer. I have seen many trailers on YouTube and the large majority have used programs to make them look really good.

Do you have any idea's i could use for my channel trailer and if so would i have to use after effects or any other programs like it.

well, as your a gaming channel perhaps you could just have a video introducing your channel with the best bits from your gaming experience so far. :D just a suggestion
I just use one of my recent videos that is a good video because i usually get 50 to 100 views on a bog standard video upload but when i put it on my channel trailer it just keeps going up. I get about and extra 50 - 100 views a day from my channel trailer so my videos can get from like 100 - 200 views a video now.