Gaming Channel Series Idea?


Just a sk8r gurl (or a gamer dude)
Hey guys! My friends and I are starting to work on our gaming hub channel. We already have 3 series that are running but we need one more... We want it to be kind of original (It doesn't have to be) but at the same time entertaining. This video would come up once every 2 weeks. Any thoughts?
"How To Fail At: _____" - Literally show people how to be terrible at games. Eg "The best way to rack up deaths is to stand in the middle, spin around in circles and shoot in the air"
How to get kicked from a game in w/e amount of time.
How to get everyone to hate one person on your team.
lol if you guys do facecams. How to eat and play at the same time. Make it annoying game like happy wheels or surgeon simulator or Mario.
Maybe a series of the worst new games. Every episode, you could post a 4-5 minute video with your review and opinion on the game, your rating, and the worst/funny moments.
Maybe a series of the worst new games. Every episode, you could post a 4-5 minute video with your review and opinion on the game, your rating, and the worst/funny moments.

That may be a good idea later but we don't have the money right now to fund something like that. I may keep that idea for later though!