Request Gaming Channel Logo and Channel Banner Needed

matt franz

YTtalk Mad
Hello im matt and I am changing my channel to a gaming channel and would love to pay someone with yttalk cash or if they will do it for free . I am looking for a gaming logo and banner for my channel. If you are up for the job please let me know:):bounce::up2:
So you need a banner and a logo(profile pic) what would you want to say in the banner and in the logo?
Also what background color?
Green and can u try to add some cool designs on logo and banner I want the logo to say Franzy Gaming and same on banner
Ill make a banner saying Franzy Gaming and a profile pic with the initials FG. How does that sound? But probably tomorrow
Hey RedCoat here i would be willing to make a free intro for you and channel art if you would like and all i want in return is to know i helped you out XD.
If you wanna see the kind of stuff i can do check out my channel for the intro/outro i just made.