Games to play & record on Linux?


I've Got It
I run a Ubuntu operating system and would like some suggestions for games to play and record on it. I'm fairly new to this OS so I don't know the "best games". Any help?
Just moving this thread to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum :)
Steam has a collection of the 'great' valve games you could download. Just go onto the Steam store and there is a section for games with Linux compatibility, such as Counter Strike, Half Life 2 and Dota 2. The new game prison architect is on there too.

Also have you tried Wine? Which adds windows compatibility to Ubuntu somewhat, so you can play a few games which are only on Windows I think, but check before you go buying any of them as I have not tried it.
I do have steam on my Linux but because I'm dual booting with windows and windows is a hard drive hog, I don't have enough space for any of those games :/

You can play minecraft on it, but you will have more lag playing on linux then playing minecraft on windows
There are free games all around the Internet that work on Linux too. I'd give a look at Sauerbraten, a good FPS arena, an I think that a look around Google will help finding a game that suits you.
There are free games all around the Internet that work on Linux too. I'd give a look at Sauerbraten, a good FPS arena, an I think that a look around Google will help finding a game that suits you.
I've tried Sauerbraten but my computer just shut down -.- I should mention its 4-5 years old and wasn't very good even when I got it.