Games to play on youtube?

Well what's your favourite game? They became a series for those guys because they enjoyed them so much and in turn their audience enjoyed them.

I'd say stay clear of those games you just mentioned too, YouTube is absolutely flooded with that stuff!

Find a game with replay value that you really enjoy and could possibly add insight or comedy to :P
New games are always the same - millions of videos of everyone experiencing the same thing; pick older games and a few people won't have seen it before - curiosity might even encourage them to stick around?

Maybe I'm just cheap? :P
I think you're right but also wrong :p

New games will be searched a lot more than older games. Sure everyone will be pretty much doing the same thing in the videos but search rates for those videos will be high and if you get in there quick then your video has a better chance of exposure.

I think playing older games will give you the chance to create something more unique especially if there is huge mod support but I think they only go down well if you already have a following.

I also take a bit of pride in my video for Unturned. The game has recently come out and although there are a lot of videos of people experiencing the game for the first time and doing the same thing I tried to be a little different and make it feel like more of an adventure for my character. I added music and everything :P

So if you have an idea of what to expect you CAN create original content from new games.