Games for new Channels


YTtalk Mad

I am hoping to start my channel within the next two weeks, and I am wondering what games you think I should play!
Some games that I have thought of are:
The Sims 3
Assassin's Creed
Need for Speed

That's about it.

NOTICE: I am going to record on my PC, so I prefer games to be available on steam. Also, I can play any games, but my videos will usually be heavily edited, so not many 'Let's Plays'.


I am hoping to start my channel within the next two weeks, and I am wondering what games you think I should play!
Some games that I have thought of are:
The Sims 3
Assassin's Creed
Need for Speed

That's about it.

NOTICE: I am going to record on my PC, so I prefer games to be available on steam. Also, I can play any games, but my videos will usually be heavily edited, so not many 'Let's Plays'.

It's good that your not basing these videos on LP's and the games your suggesting are quite generic and probably have lots of uploads already, how about looking into more Indy games or an in depth tutorial on one of those games.
And when you do these games... have a unique commentary that nobody has done... have your own style... we dont do commentary or gaming much ourselves... im just saying there are alot of them out there