game recording software help.


Active Member
Hey guys what game game recording software does everyone use, i recently purchased Mirillas action and find that with some games the sound goes and then comes back, so after recording a game thinking its going fine then all of a sudden the sound has went after about 2 minutes and this lasts for about 30-45 seconds and then comes back on, the problem is thou you dont catch it during playing or recording time you only hear it once your rewatching the video lol has anyone else had this problem and if so did you manage to find a way to fix it.
If have never worked with that software before, might trying it in the future.
Anyway, I use OBS therebefore Fraps, but the great thing about OBS is that they update frequently and its free. You don't get like 2GB files like Fraps but 200mb at its max for 15min.
sorry on the pc, its good but certain games the sound goes, amnesia was fine, outlast was fine but fifa 2014 went mental, it sounds like the static you get when theres nothing left on the television at night and its really loud lol
I usually reccommend recording devices such as capture cards or game capture devices, because they dont need any PC recource which maximices the FPS, and they aren't that much either (100-150$ for a decent one). ;)
oh right lol this only cost me £30 from the mirillas website, so i guess im getting what i paid for really haha oh well back to saving and more overtime at work lol
oh right lol this only cost me £30 from the mirillas website, so i guess im getting what i paid for really haha oh well back to saving and more overtime at work lol
Please, give OBS a change, it is free and easy to handel, you might want to view a few vids for the best setup and see what works the best for you, but you will be suprised. Just try it ;)