Gaming Future Collabs


Just a sk8r gurl (or a gamer dude)
I thought I would just find some great gaming commentators and add them on Skype in case they are I ever needs someone to record so here it is... I decided to change this so its just a bunch of gamers that can find other people to record

What I want: Good Mic
14 or older
Good Content

Leave below your Skype name and i will add you :)
I've a professional mic set up and stuff :)
I'm 18
And I try my best with my content :D
Although i'll be pushing myself to have better content all the time :D

Skype: Froxezaen
I'm 20 with a quality mic (Turtle Beach px21 & Blue Yeti) i make PC & PS3 walkthroughs, my skype is RahEscobar, check out my stuff and see if you like the commentary, and anyone getting Payday 2 on ps3 should let me know if they want to collab on it, I need 2 more people