Fun Episode Ideas

The Bear Two Show

I've Got It
What Storylines could i use in future episodes, the show is about living toys, so it is a bit silly and anything can happen, its a kids show but one that also appeals to adults, so far our episodes are a surprise birthday party, a holiday, a talent show and a games night with friends, so what other storys or parody's would you guys suggest we could use
What Storylines could i use in future episodes, the show is about living toys, so it is a bit silly and anything can happen, its a kids show but one that also appeals to adults, so far our episodes are a surprise birthday party, a holiday, a talent show and a games night with friends, so what other storys or parody's would you guys suggest we could use
sounds fun
You could do one where the teddy bear gets dirty and needs to be washed.. and no one knows what that is all about.
Well you could also do one based on a old childs tale. either ones that are not too well known, or teddy bears picnic, goldy and the three bears etc but change the outcome slightly. use them as guidelines basically.
Could also do maybe an ultimate showdown clip where all the toys have an epic brawl. Kids tend to like that sorta thing so long as you dont use death and guts etc lol

Could base some on history like with the apple falling from the tree, napaleon etc.
Or ancient mythology? The stories would then also teach them something.

Could do ones with morels? Like how going out and being fit is fun and better at making new friends. How stealing is wrong etc and the concequences it has. Not to go off with strangers and again the concequences.