Fullscreen Sponsorship Clarification


I've Got It
Can anybody clarify the following statement: "Sponsorships offered to all channels within the Fullscreen network with CPMs between $25 and $40".

The way I read it, is that a sponsorship is possible if you have a CPM between $25 - $40. How does somebody get that high of a CPM??? Is it only about channel size/video views?
Can anybody clarify the following statement: "Sponsorships offered to all channels within the Fullscreen network with CPMs between $25 and $40".

The way I read it, is that a sponsorship is possible if you have a CPM between $25 - $40. How does somebody get that high of a CPM??? Is it only about channel size/video views?
I believe that is with the gorilla ad campaigns and i checked your channel out and gave it a subscribe
do u know how fullscreen calculate ur earning? i mean how much per views/thousand views? i cant find anywhere it said about calculating the revenue :(
Tu Michael
do u know how fullscreen calculate ur earning? i mean how much per views/thousand views? i cant find anywhere it said about calculating the revenue :(
Tu Michael
It depends on premium ads, or whether or not you have multiple ads in a single vid. I'm just wondering what benefits sponsorship has. As Tonio pointed out, I think to get a CPM that high you would need to be doing gorilla, although whzgud2 probably makes that amount easily.

YouTube is supposed to be the one calculating ad payout and then Fullscreen displays the amt on the dashboard. So I believe Youtube is the controller on this.