Fullscreen 3rd Party Claim Update


I Love YTtalk
I finally got an answer from Fullscreen about the false 3rd party claims I have been getting. I was curious if I would be reimbursed if I had a viral video that had a sudden 3rd party claim. They said if I had a substantial amount of views, I could have it reviewed by Fullscreen/Audiomicro to recover earnings during that time of dispute. I used my video that had over 120k views in one week as an example, they said in a case like that if I had a claim during that time, it is something that they can definitely look into.

This makes me feel better about possibly staying with Fullscreen as I really like their music libraries and I use a lot of music. Now I'm on the fence again, I was leaning towards leaving them before I got this email.
A lot of users have gotten false copyright claims by Fullscreen lately.
My claims actually come from Audiomicro, but Fullscreen is the company that allows me to use their library for free so I've contacted both companies. Audiomicro has been releasing the claims as I email them, and Fullscreen said in the chance of a claim occurring as a video goes viral, we can have a review done to get back the missing revenue during the time the dispute takes to resolve. It's just been VERY annoying because just about every day I skim my channel now to see if a video has a claim and I normally find a new one just about every 2 days for the past month and a half.
With what they did to H3H3 Productions, I'd dump Fullscreen like a wet sack of cement.
With what they did to H3H3 Productions, I'd dump Fullscreen like a wet sack of cement.
what happened? I'm reluctant to leave FS because I use their audio libraries a lot, if I leave they said I have to change the music on my current videos. That's a lot of videos I'd have to change to use YouTube library music which would suck.
what happened? I'm reluctant to leave FS because I use their audio libraries a lot, if I leave they said I have to change the music on my current videos. That's a lot of videos I'd have to change to use YouTube library music which would suck.
Huhyou don't normally, iirc the videos that use the music are yours to keep when the agreements end..;hmm.

Basically they claimed the most popular video from some youtuber who was 100 percent using the content as fair use,, and threatened to "destroy his channel" if he didn't take the video where he calls them out down.
what happened? I'm reluctant to leave FS because I use their audio libraries a lot, if I leave they said I have to change the music on my current videos. That's a lot of videos I'd have to change to use YouTube library music which would suck.

It's a good idea by Full Screen of how to keep their partners in the Network
It's a good idea by Full Screen of how to keep their partners in the Network
atm I never use FS audio Library cuz I not needed[DOUBLEPOST=1438954598,1438876703][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's a good idea by FullScreen of how to keep their partners in the Network
you right, but if he use AudioMicro/Epidemic he will contact them for subscription content