Friends, Subscribers, Relationships?


So this might sound strange, but i found the best way of promoting yourself is to be yourself.. and what i mean by that is to find out where your local youtube gatherings are (find people in your area and ask, or search facebook groups) and attend gatherings.

i met my first youtube friend randomly by finding one of his videos.. after meeting up we decided to travel to a gathering we heard about. when we got there we met hundreds of amazing people, gave out our channel names and in time the people we met became very close. infact all my closest friends are now youtubers.

i went from having no views, subs or real life friends to having many of all those things!

and yes, i have even seen a total of 3 relationships start because of youtube, one of which has been going strong for years now :)

its a strange way to promote, but it works ^^

have you guys ever been to a gathering ? what was it like for you ?
Hm, interesting. I don't actually know if there even are Youtube gatherings in the Netherlands at all. I should check in on that. It certainly is good advice though, contacts are always helpful. In fact, two friends of mine started a Youtube channel about Tekkit. They met DaveChaos during the Eurogamer Expo in London who was kind enough to plug them a bit and as a result they got 1200 subs in less than two months. I'm insanely jealous but also happy for them. Goes to show that just meeting the right person can do amazing stuff for you.
Hm, interesting. I don't actually know if there even are Youtube gatherings in the Netherlands at all. I should check in on that. It certainly is good advice though, contacts are always helpful. In fact, two friends of mine started a Youtube channel about Tekkit. They met DaveChaos during the Eurogamer Expo in London who was kind enough to plug them a bit and as a result they got 1200 subs in less than two months. I'm insanely jealous but also happy for them. Goes to show that just meeting the right person can do amazing stuff for you.
You say you are from the netherlands ? i have a friend from there who often travels to england as there are normally 2-3 youtube gatherings per month in england... i travel down from scotland to attend them all ^^
I've never heard of it. I'm sure Chicago has plenty.

I have a gaming channel, though.

Anyways, is there a main site for organizing these meetings?
I've never heard of it. I'm sure Chicago has plenty.

I have a gaming channel, though.

Anyways, is there a main site for organizing these meetings?
nah sadly not its just advertised on facebook groups. try searching your place followed by youtube or gathering ect ^^
Huh, I've never heard of this before. I'm currently in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which is a relatively small city. That being said, I know of at least one other person that makes video who lives here, but I can't imagine the number is that large.
and yes, i have even seen a total of 3 relationships start because of youtube, one of which has been going strong for years now :)

I actually met my husband indirectly because of YouTube. My mom's friend's daughter's friend (who happens to be on YouTube) heard that I did YouTube videos and subscribed. I eventually met him and his friend (who also was on YouTube) in person. These guys both happened to know the man who is now my husband (who, haha, briefly was on YouTube as well). My husband introduced himself to me after he found me through his two friends. And now we're married!

But yeah, I totally agree with what you're saying. The best audiences are made up of people who support you and like you, people you're friends with (either your IRL friends or people who you met through YouTube, the latter - in my opinion - being more fun ;) ). Introducing yourself, talking about interests, getting to know people. THAT'S how you make friends on YouTube (and it's also a great way, like you said, to grow your audience).