Freedom network but with 3rd network contract


I have a Question, I joined Freedom network but not directly by freedom network, Its like from 3rd network.

Like Imagine you partenered with freedom and you recruiting other channels.

So Freedom is saying I can leave when ever I want.But is it the same as If I join with the 3rd network I got recruited not directly by freedom? /the recruiter is from freedom)

thanks for reading and hope for a respond
Yeah, make sure to read the super fine print - networks always want something in return, maybe not now, but one day.
I actually joined Freedom! some time ago but it was a mistake. All they are advertising are just empty promises. Sure... They give You access to free music but other than that You're on Your own. Their forum is a spam-fest, their dashboard is broken and "the tools" they are giving You is a single google presentation, in which some of things are outdated or simply not working. All that for a 60/40 split... That's why I asked to unlink from Freedom! some time ago. I'll be better off on my own. Just need to wait those 30 days.
I actually joined Freedom! some time ago but it was a mistake. All they are advertising are just empty promises. Sure... They give You access to free music but other than that You're on Your own. Their forum is a spam-fest, their dashboard is broken and "the tools" they are giving You is a single google presentation, in which some of things are outdated or simply not working. All that for a 60/40 split... That's why I asked to unlink from Freedom! some time ago. I'll be better off on my own. Just need to wait those 30 days.

Yeah, that's exactly the sort of thing you need to watch out for. It's your call, Karma, so do whatever your gut tells you, but double-check everything twice!
I'm NOW with Freedom! and I REGRET IT! I'M UNLINKING NOW AND I HOPE I CAN GET OUT FAST! The third party network you mentioned might be a sub-network of Freedom! like the MTX Network! (Which made lots and lots of empty promises, dang it!)
yes sub network cant change the original network rules,so you can leave them after 30 days of clicking unlink button