Services FREE OR PAID: Banners, Thumbnails, Logos, Outros, etc.


New Member
Hey guys, I am looking for people who want banners, possibly thumbnails, outros, etc. that I can record and upload to my channel as speedarts. You can either get these for free or purchase them - your choice :) I am not the best, but I am certainly learning and improving as I do more projects. You can contact me via Skype (LHGraphics_YT), Twitter (Luke_14__) or Email ( Examples:




Hey, if it's not too much to ask, I would like a banner that has my name in the center with a slim/smooth like texture. And under it have my Instagram and Twitter (CraftersMagic). On the sides I would like a controller with magic like dust coming off it, and an enderman on the side. Looking for it to be free, but I can give you shout-outs for it
Hey i was wondering if you could make a banner for my Youtube channel that matches my profile picture. I will email you aswell.
If your not already I would make it so that you clearly state that if you purchase you will be put at the top of the list for when the design needs to be done(bottom of the list of the people who paid before though)

Next, great work I absolutely love it. My favorite is the graphics one. I haven't seen much else like it. GLWS