Scootakip [Lana]
I Love YTtalk
I'm Scootakip, and I run a gaming channel. One of my favorite parts of making a video, is editing it. I've been editing videos for quite a few years now, and now use Sony Vegas
I can make intros for free, so long as you credit it to me and give my channel a shoutout in a video for the intro. Same thing for channel art or whatever else you might need (such as outros)
Here is my most recent intro I made for my own channel - /watch?v=otcMIqle7-c
My channel art -
(Drawing not mine)
You can contact me via Twitter, Youtube, or YTTalk for services.
I can make intros for free, so long as you credit it to me and give my channel a shoutout in a video for the intro. Same thing for channel art or whatever else you might need (such as outros)
Here is my most recent intro I made for my own channel - /watch?v=otcMIqle7-c
My channel art -

You can contact me via Twitter, Youtube, or YTTalk for services.
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